



职称 讲师
学位 理学博士
邮箱 qingpeng@hynu.edu.cn


2016.092022.06    南京信息工程大学    应用气象学   理学博士

2012.092016.06    南京信息工程大学    生态学    理学学士


1. 20232024滚球的十大平台科研启动项目2022QD10气候变化和城市化对衡阳市生态环境影响研究,在研,主持。

2. 20202022国家重点研发计划项目(2019YFC0507403),祁连山自然保护区生态环境变化预测预警,在研,参与。

3. 20182020,江苏省研究生科研创新计划项目(KYCX18_1035),“中亚地区土地荒漠化时空格局及驱动力研究”,结题,主持。

4. 20162018国家发改委中国清洁发展机制基金项目(2013013适应气候变化的林业碳汇关键领域及能力建设”,结题,参与。


1. Peng, Q., Wang, R., Jiang, Y., Zhang, W., Liu, C., Zhou, L. (2022). Soil erosion in Qilian Mountain National Park: Dynamics and driving mechanisms. Journal Hydrology: Regional Studies, 42, 101144. (Q1, 二区)

2. Peng, Q., Wang, R., Jiang, Y., & Li, C. (2021). Contributions of climate change and human activities to vegetation dynamics in Qilian Mountain National Park, northwest China. Global Ecology and Conservation, 32, e01947. (Q2, 三区)

3. Peng, Q., Wang, R., Jiang, Y., Li, C., Guo, W. (2021). The change of hydrological variables and its effects on vegetation in Central Asia. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 146(1), 741-753. (Q2, 三区)

4. Peng, Q., Wang, R., Li, C., Zhang, F. (2021). The role of drought in land degradation of Central Asia from 1982 to 2015. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 30(8), 9863-9877. (Q4, 四区)

5. 彭擎, 王让会, 蒋烨林, 吴晓全. (2018). 植被-地温指数 (NDVI-LST) 在新疆干旱监测中的适用性. 生态学报, 38(13), 4694-4703. (CSCD, 权威)

6. Wang, R., Peng, Q., Zhang, W., Zhao, W., Liu, C., Zhou, L. (2022). Ecohydrological service characteristics of Qilian Mountain ecosystem in the next 30 years based on scenario simulation[J]. Sustainability, 14(3): 1819. (Q3, 三区)

7. 王让会, 赵文斐, 彭擎, 刘春伟, 周丽敏, 田畅. (2022). 气候变化及景观格局与生态系统碳储存的耦合关系——以祁连山为例. 干旱区研究, 39(1), 250-257. (CSCD

8. Wang, Y., Yue, H., Peng, Q., He, C., Hong, S., Bryan, B. A. (2020). Recent responses of grassland net primary productivity to climatic and anthropogenic factors in Kyrgyzstan. Land Degradation & Development, 31(16), 2490-2506. (Q2, 一区top)

9. Jiang, Y., Guo, J., Peng, Q., Guan, Y., Zhang, Y., Zhang, R. (2020). The effects of climate factors and human activities on net primary productivity in Xinjiang. International journal of biometeorology, 64, 765–777. (Q2, 三区)

10. Jiang, Y., Wang, R., Peng, Q., Wu, X., Ning, H., Li, C. (2018). The relationship between drought activity and vegetation cover in Northwest China from 1982 to 2013. Natural Hazards, 92(1), 145-163. (Q2, 三区)

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